noun \ˈshau̇t\ \ˈau̇t\
1) To acknowledge someone. To make ones presence known. I gave my girls a shout out at the party
2) A message to friends, family, etc. lodged on a radio station, web site, or other popular medium. I'd like to give a shout out to all of you reading this. You're seriously the best!
Wow I am totally overwhelmed right now. Maybe I should know better but I am blown away by the support. I feel like this time around I am able to be "in the moment" a little bit more because chemotherapy is so familiar. This is helpful because I now see the masses of people rallying around us. I would have never guessed that everyone around us would react this way again! Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Our favorite part of the day is looking at the blogs and seeing who has left us little notes of encouragement. We don't take these lightly. Dan and I love to read them and love how connected we feel... even to people we haven't talked to in years! Our teachers, coaches, friends, moms of friends, co-workers, and the list goes on. Prayers are the most important and powerful support we recieve. We can feel the power of each one. Thank you, thank you.
I especially want to thank our wonderful family. My mom and dad have especially gone above and beyond. Meals, games, and constant visits. Thanks especially for the food! It is a welcome break from the food here that we are a little sick of. Thank you so much. Way to go Dallin on your Eagle!!! We're proud of you!
I had a very touching phone call today with my mother-in-law. She called this morning with a worried voice that only a mother has. She wanted to know every detail of everything going on. I am so lucky to get to witness the intense love from mother to son. But she did not call just to find out about Dan, the concern and worry was also for me. What an angel. Thanks for all you do. You're 1,000 miles away but it feels like you're right here with us experiencing everything we feel. We love you.
Thank you to all of our sisters. Our phones pretty much ring off the hook. We can guarantee that it will be either Sarah, Mallory, Emily, Liz of Maegan. Thank you!! My sister, Emily, has a baby that is very sick with RSV. He's on constant oxygen and has to be monitored very closely (they would have put him in the hospital, but instead they gave Emily all the equipment to use at home because she is THAT awesome). In spite of all this, her husband Robert has been over to visit us a couple times, and Emily has made dinner for us to eat tonight. Isn't she awesome?!
Friends have been so generous. Nancy and John, Joy and Drew, Schukman, and many others have gove out of their way to send Dan and I on fun dates, come over when we needed them the most, and just pour out love.
And last, but not least, Dan deserves a shout out
So many shout outs so little time. Many many more deserve special shout outs. But please just know you're loved.
Melanie- I know I havn't talked to you in forever but i have been following ur story after Megan told AmyAnn and then AmyAnn passed the news on...anyway..just wanted to say that you guys are such an inspiration to me and my family! Hang in there! You guys are so awesome! And I hope Emily's baby gets little girl had that two months ago and it was rough.
Fresh strawberry shortcake coming tomorrow! Yum!!
I think Dan will heal much better just because he chose not to wear the hospital get-ups! Sorry Dan, those night gowns were a little too revealing. So what time is the strawberry shortcake coming tomorrow??
We haven't stopped praying for you yet - but wish we could do more!
I am sending my prayers and love your way. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for either of you. I am a massage therapist in training and I can offer free massages...just let me know.
My heart goes out to both of you at this time! How you describe Dan reminds me a lot of my mother! She is starting treatment #5 today, yet she is so positive and upbeat! I call her to cheer her up but it always ends up being the other way around! You and I are so blessed to have such wonderful people in our lives, and I know that the love and support of friends makes all the difference. If you ever want to talk, I'm on a similar boat! Our family loves you and Dan so much and we will be praying for you!
Welcome home!!
Found your blog. You don't know me, I'm a good friend of Caisa and Adrian's. She has always kept us up on your story. Just know that you are in our prayers all the way here in Denver, CO. I loved your thoughts about trials and that Heavenly Father is not up there checking off the list. Thank you for your positive outlook and tremendous faith. I shared Dan's book with my mother and father, who both have battled cancer. We were all impressive and touched. Thank you for being a blessing in our lives without even knowing it. Love, Molly and Jason Reynolds
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