Today the nurses all gathered around and sang us a song then gave us a beautiful quilt for completing chemo. I'm so proud of Dan! He has done so much these past 16 months to get to this point and we have been incredibly blessed. I can't even begin to name them all, but first and foremost on my mind is this miracle of remission. Stage 4 osteosarcoma is a scary and tough disease, but here we are, 16 months out and it is stable enough to stop chemotherapy. This is truly a blessing and we know the Lord has watched over us. There have been many days when Dan and I talk at the end of a day and are overwhelmed with all of the things that could be confused with being "coincidences"... but we know otherwise. The sheer number of them is proof that He is in charge and wanted Dan to get well.
As we all know, our prayers are sometimes answered through the acts of others. We have felt especially loved this week and appreciate the dinners, well wishes and prayers. It was fun to come home to this today...
We'll wait for a little bit to start the real celebration. The effects of chemo have left my party animal down for the count. This is all the enthusiasm I could muster from him :) What a good sport.
Hooray Dan!! Congrats!! I wish we could be there to give hugs, but we are thinking of you and hope you get ALL better soon! Love you guys!
Congratulations! We are so happy for you! What a journey you have been through.
I've loved reading up on your long journey through this. You two are amazing and I look up to your faith and perseverance. I love you both! Hope to see you soon!
Congratulations! that's so exciting! Good luck with the recovery! Let us know if you need anything!
-Brenton and Adree Jensen
We are so happy for you both. We wish we could be there to celebrate with you. Thanks for the update. We pray the best is yet to come!
YAY!!!!!!! Congrats!!! We're SO happy for you! You two are such great examples for us. We'll keep you in our prayers so your "party animal" gets ALL better soon! =) Love you guys!
Dan and Melanie - There's a chance we might get to go to Hawaii with Chris's work trip coming up...When are you going? And to where?
Yea!! So happy Dan is finished with the chemo. We love you and think of you often... hope the recovery is quick and that Dan is feeling great in no time.
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